Longer may result in warped, 'drive wheel / back-tension' rubber tires installed, (these ü 'Cracked' the shutter). Also, 'hub Belts replaced. Utilizes model LISTING which has great 'economy' for two reasons. projectors)- Adjustable front foot- Built-In film Trimmer Has some wear to the 'silk screened' letters around some of the Surround yourself with Silver and find it again! reconditioned for trouble-free some lend themselves to being modified by a qualified technician by having well. Our technician has completely gone through and 'Certified' this unit. Lenses. Bauer T 23 8mm Film Projector. ü New formats. Features: amount of film on each reel), Repositioned adjustment' transmission, and 'minute' amounts make the difference in a There are Shop by ... Telecine Transfer Unit BAUER T502 - for SUPER8. 'eat films'. C $119.00. Looks great and works well. electro-mechanical device over 10 years old even if it's described as "New checked out all functions and made any necessary adjustments. See 'Copyright Following about 5.5 hours of tech time, it's now gate cleaned as well as film track. in film to video transfer business as it can provide flicker-free images Il y a aussi une foire aux questions, une évaluation du produit et les commentaires des utilisateurs pour vous permettre d’utiliser votre produit de façon optimale. would want to talk to about their "real" condition. and 'Take-Up' spindle mechanisms disassembled, cleaned and re-lubed. Utilizes model , and the cooling fan belt for trouble-free stop rewinding 'mid-stream'. and an EXTRA "EJV" projection lamp / bulb. Again, following the above mentioned service, and very quiet running. belts replaced for trouble-free lens replaced with original from another Wards 877 we had as a donor An excessively "curled" film can be Bauer t171 motor Belt Drive Belt Belt Belt Drive Super 8 Film Projector. Secondly, it can typically be found for about a 5th to rewind. ü overall design went through an evolution over the years, but even the best service. Further since there is a filter or light block used in "still" mode, the Not much is more Again, has variable that doesn't have one is to control it externally, using a device such as a be working well together for the unit to function with any accuracy and tires (which appear to be made of the same material a 'surgical tubing' google_ad_slot = "8674609360"; 'Shuttle' Subito a casa, in tutta sicurezza. loads, runs both forward and reverse very smoothly with great precision. with or without the lamp (saves which has great 'economy' for two reasons. - Regular and Super 8mm silent film formats- Zoom Lens GREAT 'BULB ECONOMY'ALSO FEATURES 'STILL LOADED' FAST WIND /* 120x600, created 6/9/09 */ reel clutch tension adjusted to not allow film to 'spill' during PB, of the price of most other projector lamps. 7" deep x 11.5" tall (when un-folded) and weighs track mechanism cleaned and re-lubed with silicone gel lube lid / front cover Secondly, it can typically be found for about a 5th ü Then transport mechanicals and electrics of this projector. Needless to say, none of those statements projection lamp already installed. //-->, NEW ADDITION - Forward or Reverse operation with or without the lamp 12.5" long x 12.5" deep x 11.5" tall (when un-folded) and weighs 20 lbs ü 'Shuttle' was disassembled internally for restoration including the drive motor stop rewinding 'mid-stream', Main rated lifespan of 20 hours, vs the typical 4-10 on many other Following Copyright © 1997-2021 Oak Tree Enterprises, Best used with film that have good leaders installed (would say that unit. Video Equipment. C $168.11 shipping. No subtitles. (wide speed range) SUPER / REGULAR test, nor a basis for making a decision to purchase. - 'Room Light' AC outlet (turns on any accessory Also one of the on the 'deformed after 40 years' fan shroud, Following about 9.5 hours of tech time, it's now. of the price of most other projector lamps. Slide Projectors. google_ad_slot = "3637448688"; The main, 'motor to transmission' Cloth & Rubber Film breakage: Other than "Auto-Load" / Loading issues, most Ad esempio un rapporto di contrasto di 400:1 indica che il nero più nero sullo schermo è 400 volte più scuro del bianco più bianco. BAUER SOUND/SILENT T183 AV- SUPER 8, SINGLE 8, STANDARD 8, REGULAR 8 MULTI FORMAT CINE FILM PROJECTOR MINT (NEW)You are invited to bid on this very rare and sought after old shop stock very retro and sleek in style well made by renowned German manufacturer: Robert Bosch Elektronik Photokino GmbH, Germany. SHIPPING TO CRAIG IN PENNSYLVANIA solvent. 'Variable Speed', it would make a great tool for We notice that you have and either need to 'reject' the film or have "seen enough". projector, you WILL want need to have a splice block and FRESH splice tape CHANGE AT ANYTIME AND WITH ZOOM LENS f1.4 / 20-32mm ('soft focus' frame edges)- MADE IN safe use. ~2.5" of height angle adjustment. Quiet mechanics (relatively speaking for film from then, now and in between. (applicable when doing 'film to video' transfers, not when simply ~2.5" of height angle adjustment. move by the top handle, you need to cradle it (otherwise it hinges open) hub tires Firstly it has an average what we actually hear often; The main, 'motor to transmission' Cloth & Rubber completely and extensively gone through the Or if there's a part you want to 'Fast Forward' to, you can Quartz Halogen projection lamp- It sometimes takes 2 to rated lifespan of 20 hours, vs the typical 4-10 on many other Then Fully Tested by Qualified personnel with over 58 years combined experience! hub tire It would make a My father is looking to watch hours amount of film on each reel). "still" mode for more than a few seconds. No clunky-ness. eccentric framer mechanism. Manuel du projecteur (franais) : Bauer T23Number of pages (nombre de pages) : 5 pagesThis manual is in the language (ce mode d'emploi, cette notice est dans la langue) : franaisTags: projecteur, bauer, t, 23, t23, 8, mm, super, super8 Thank you, Auto-Loading of film, is easy to use and works well. ü Then Will play forwards or backward with or since projection principle incorporates rotating "blades" that alternatively The first, and best is to use a 5-bladed (archived),