Your email address will not be published. Ich brauche Platz. The base body color was the gray of the mollies but it’s caudal fin was more rounded and a light shade of yellow/ green. It is possible to hybrid the Molly and Guppies in a specific condition. It is not advisable to breed the female guppies with the other species as they are very tiny to give birth to large size fish. In most of the aquarium, people keep guppies and mollies together. The outcome is not from the guppies, but the previous species. The reason may be that mollies and guppies have a very large size difference. Posted by 5 days ago. Les alevins seront à 99% stériles, car il ne s’agit pas de la même espèce, mais seulement de la même famille. I’m unable to move them out of the tank at present and although not intending to breed them, may have some in the future, due to length of time together, if they turn out to be fertile. Do not be surprised to see any result on the molly and produce another molly even after keeping male guppies in the tank. But your molly is not guppy/molly hybrid. On this particular January day, we harvested our Iodotropheus sprengerae (Rusty Cichlid) vat. Abdeckung inklusive … His hybrids are always male and seem infertile. Male molly crossbred with a female fancy guppy to create molly-guppy hybrid (s). S. Spishkey Spishkeys Turtle Rescue. What crazy fish these are! For companionship I took a male guppy from the vat she came from. Mules are a good example. Le genre Poecilia regroupe quelques-unes des espèces phares des eaux douces américaines. The last one is my Tetra tank!! Else, the mollies or other fish may eat them. 10.01.2021. they look like muppies which is a molly guppy hybrid. The species that you hybrid would be part of the two different categories of the fish. In the fish world this mainly occurs among the live-bearing species. But your molly is not guppy/molly hybrid. Guppy Neon blau (Poecilia reticulata) Nachzucht. He looks like some type of molly guppy hybrid, but I'm not sure. I’ve corresponded with people who get hybrids, but they are all male and sterile. 5 € 57334 Bad Laasphe. hide. Guppy Nachzuchten, Endler Guppies. In all cases, the offspring were weak and infertile. 8( Ich habe Mollys,Platys und Guppys! Abhole ich gerne in Rheine und Umgebung +10 km. If the fish produces no fry -it most likely is either a true hybrid or a guppy with hermaphroditism. Photo: A possible Poecilia reticulata (guppy) x Poecilia mexicana, Campeche (molly) hybrid in front of a grid to show size. Discussion Starter • #1 • Jun 1, 2012. Mating male guppies with the molly are comfortable, and you should try them in the home aquarium. Viele Mollys und Endler Guppys abzugeben Stück 0,50 Paar 1,-- 10 Stück 5,-- An... 5 € 58452 Witten. Can anyone help me identify what's this small ball growing on my guppy's tail? I’ve had old female guppies become masculinized, but this fish doesn’t have the thickening of the anal fins that those had. All To Know, There is a simple answer to this question. These assemblies provide shelter for fry when the females release them. Another important aspect of breeding mollies and guppies is always breeding male guppies with female mollies. They can vary in pattern greatly, and many hybrids are now been selectively bred to create specific strains, such as the Tiger Endler. You should know a few things when you are breeding two different species for producing hybrid fish. Sign up. Also, there are possibilities that many times the fish will avoid the food. The cichlid hotels are made with 2” PVC cut to 12 inches in length with six cylinders of aquaculture netting tie-wrapped around them (see second photo). Alright, since it has been established that guppys and mollys can indeed cross breed (proveing me wrong), i have done some research that backs that fact up, but i have yet to see a photo of one of these guppy/molly hybrids, does anyone have these fish and can take me a … 4 guppy and 2 molly. Yes. Many aquarium owners do the cross-breeding to produce the beautiful-looking fish that gets sold out immediately. 08.12.2018. Also, be ready with a particular place or tank for newborn babies. Anyone have any luck with guppy molly hybrids? 8 comments. perso mes hybrides sont très résistants, on a de bonnes surprises concernant le hasard des couleurs, et je trouve que le coté guppy sélectionné depuis 30 générations pour avoir tel ou tel critères ( a rendre l' animal hyper fragile génétiquement)ça fait trop eugénisme, juste un point de vue, et pas d' avortons ou de malformés pour l' instant Since she was in the original tank w/both, I’d give her both, plus some other females (kinda to show her how it’s done) altho maybe you want to be able to ID the actual potential daddy? Topic: Can a Molly and a guppy breed together?Or cross breed? save. I am interested to see more stories from people who have had similar experiences. The type of fish you choose for the hybrid must be of the same category. Die Berichte stammen aber alle aus der Zeit digitaler Bildbearbeitung. When you cross breed these two beautiful fish, they produce amazing babies that will have characteristics of both species. The fry that the fish will produce would be completely different in terms of colors and size. Here we are one year later and I now have 7 tanks! Möchtest Guppys Heute gibt es viele Variationen des guppy. Keep them on an appropriate plan of diet. There are more than 90 species of freshwater scuds in North America alone. To further illustrate, the following fish can crossbreed with guppies: Guppies are Poecilia reticulata; Endlers are Poecilia wingei; Mollies are Poecilia sphenops My wife “loved” this. 12 Things To Know. The males are beginning to colour up but staying within the blonde/gold/yellow/rose colour range and I must say look rather beautiful. If they have already bred in the part aquarium, they might have the sperm in their belly, which may produce the fry. You might try her w/a male molly? Body same as in this picture but everything flowed bigger and yellow orange. Playing next. Observation of the guppy, for instance, will soon convince the … When you are alone, definitely Betta… Read more…. There were also some colored patterning on the posterior half of the body. 01.02.2021. Provide the small portion every time so the pregnant fish would have time to eat their food and not waste it. I added some hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum) and some scuds. with no guppy female comparable to what I have ever seen”. Rodrigo, Our hobby, especially the livebearer side, was built on hybrids. K. keithp Fishaholic. However, they are much more likely … We breed most of our mouth-brooding cichlids in 300-gallon vats (see photo below), placing two to three males and up to 50 females in each vat. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Yes. Very Rare Hybrid Guppy-Molly Crosses. As a result, you will not be able to create hybrids fish. share. 19.03.2019. I am passionate fish keeper, with years of experience. In my never ending quest to increase production in each vat (Susie, wife and business manager, insists on profits), I continue to test poly-culture. Guppy females have it from birth. We usually place five hotels on one side of the vat. A fry cage used to provide cover for cichlid fry and juveniles. Like any other fish breed, when you find the molly is pregnant, create a good atmosphere in your aquarium. Molly is the common name for the genus Poecilia of which guppies are a part, along with black mollies, sailfin mollies, endlers livebearers, and a handful of other species. Betta is one of the magical and amazing fish in the fish world due to its vibrant and varied colors… Read more…, How Long Are Mollies Pregnant For? For hybrid the two fish, they have to be cross relative to make the bond. Filed Under: Breeding, Fish, Hybrids, Live Foods Tagged With: american livebearer association, breeding, guppy, hatchery operations, livebearers, mollies, Poecilia, Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia reticulata. Amano shrimp is a better algae eater among other shrimps that will help you get algae under control. Natürlich leben sie in... VB 65451 Kelsterbach. reply #30. Guppys Unter den Unterkategorien "Hochzuchtguppys" und "Endler & Endler Hybriden" findet man die derzeit von uns gehaltenen Stämme. Seen it in Endler’s Livebearers. 3 Red Chest Endler Guppy Männchen. It would be best if you were honest about what you are doing. Aus meiner Hobbyzucht gebe ich Endler Ginga Rubra Guppymännchen ab. Kuckt in... 40 € 93173 Wenzenbach. körper gleich wie auf diesem bild aber alles flossen grösser und gelb orange. 4 guppy and 2 molly. more than you because he don't have any flaws. For molly/guppy crosses which are possible and proven, the offspring I would expect to be sterile. Search. Originaire des Caraïbes et d’Amérique du Sud, il fut découvert en 1859 et rapidement commercialisé pour sa beauté avant de devenir très prisé par les amateurs d’aquariophilie. Endler Hybriden; Platys; Mollys; Unsere Garnelen. Neocaridina; Unsere Aquarien; Kontakt; Impressum. Infact guppies are mollies. Take care of the pregnant molly and provide the proper environment to improve their health. 25. Personally, I think my female molly was avoiding him as best she … I believe you said at one time you had some guppies from a delta strain in that vat too- besides the feeder guppies. During the pregnancy, the fish may not eat much. Posted by 3 days ago. Aufgrund der Attraktivität der sie und ihre Fähigkeit, sich anzupassen, setzt der Guppy Fantasie zu einem der beliebtesten Aquarienfische für Süßwasseraquarien können. Ich biete hier Die guppy’s , sind wunderschöne Farben und sind gesund. [SOLVED], Shedding is a part of their natural process. Datenschutzerklärung; Haftungsausschluss (Disclaimer) Unsere Fische. How to hybridize guppy and molly? In the circumstances where the male Guppies do not have their partner around, they mate with other species. They were in a coastal stream. save. The process of hybrid the guppy and molly are quite simple. But I’ve failed to produce guppy/molly hybrids despite trying many times (so-called experts can and do fail). We are able to produce significant numbers of mollies this way. Joye Ferrara. 6 years ago | 73 views. This is common with hybrids. When they were brought in for overwintering, there was a male molly in the guppy tub and one young fry that grew into a fish larger than both suspected parent species. I have only 1 female blonde lyretail mollie, she was the sole offspring of white sailfin mollie(m)/orange lyretail mollie(f). Guppy Hybriden abzugeben. If the two species are not compatible, it is not possible to breed the fish. “Hello I have now found a similar animal in a zoo store giant female! i want to know how many people succeed with guppy molly hybrids and they grow til full grown because i have one female molly with two male guppies will the female molly die if she gives birth to the hybrids Please answer my questions and then comment all that you know about this hybrids and what they may look like with a sunset balloon molly or any balloon molly … A stressful environment keeps them in an alert mode which would be difficult for them to breed. I don't think you can breed fish hybirds, certainly not outside the species. We also place two or three fry cages in each vat. 4) Not to keep male mollies with Guppies: What should you avoid when hybridizing mollies and guppies? The hybridization process is … Guppys und Mollys zu verschenken SUCHE. GINGA RUBRA - Guppy Endler Hybrid - Super schöne Tiere! des molly dans 50L c'est pas possible (il faut au moins 200L), les guppys il leur faut minimum 60/70L. Auch Mollys gehören, genauso wie Guppys, zu den Vorratsbefruchtern, bedeutet, dass eine einmalige Befruchtung des Weibchens für ca. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. As we sorted the fish, guppies were placed in a bucket to be separated into breeders to be returned to the vat and sale fish to go into 55-gallon holding vats. It is not possible to breed Molly and Platy fish together. Required fields are marked *. Franky, I don't believe it. You have first to arrange a fish tank where only female molly available with the male guppies. No matter the size of this fish, the male molly can breed comfortably with the large size mollies. 1. Again, the possibility for variation is endless in hybrids. I’ve been breeding fish for almost a decade and learn new things … Both types of fish are considered peaceful fish that looks beautiful together. Scuds are a small shrimp-like crustacean we raise for sale as food. However this is often a genetic trait as well, most likely they will all be sterile or there is a chance most of them won't. Cory catfish love eating the worms. Maybe she’d rather breed w/a bigger male? Bei viele Fische Preis 1,50... 2 € VB 93192 Wald Oberpf. Yes, You can keep Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and koi together in the… Read more…. [SOLVED], Betta Fins are the soft feather-like structure that easily gets a break when it comes into contact with the hard… Read more…, Can I Keep Koi and Goldfish In the Same Tank? They produce hybrid fish to sell and tell people that they are found naturally. Joined Jun 20, 2008 Messages 2,000 Reaction score 0 Location Belgium . Let me know your thoughts. The mollies produce the babies throughout the year. One of my male guppies had a sexual encounter with my female balloon molly. You can even breed the molly with a single female. We typically also stock the vats with feeder guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to provide forage for the fish and to inure them to the presence of small fish. Ours are a Gammarus species or maybe even a different genus. If you raise commercial swordtails, platies, and mollies, you are raising hybrids. Is guppy and molly hybrid possible? Lg Nemo A fry cage is placed in a breeding vat to provide a refuge for fry and juvenile fish.The breeders are placed in the 300-gallon vats equipped with the cichlid hotels and fry cages. My mission is to help other aquarists experience the joy of fish keeping. No, they are unable to breed with each other because they are not from the same species. You don't have any records on the fry. reply #30. I simple say this because it is more common for hybrids to be sterile than not. If a molly and guppy cross, the female should be the molly since it is bigger and the fry are likely to grow too large for a female guppy to deliver. Does guppies signature tail can be transferred to the policies. The mollies, P mexicana I think we’re fish I collected near Bonita Springs Fl. Johnrileyhughes. It keeps them calm during pregnancy. They create a great atmosphere in the tank. In this case, I had stocked the vat with I. sprengerae breeders, feeder guppies, and Poecilia mexicana, Campeche (Campeche being the collection location in Mexico). There are extremely rare cases of molly x guppy hybrids. Guppy males are horny fish. Arrange an aquarium where you provide a natural habitat for the fish to stay calm and relaxed. Heute, 11:00. So if you buy the sterile fish from the market, you will not be able to breed them in your aquarium. Some may try to breed the male molies with the female guppies. Anonymous. Each vat is equipped with devices we call cichlid hotels and fry cages. Für die aktuelle Verfügbarkeit an Nachzuchten bitte das Kontaktformular nutzen. Jimdo. Female molly will give birth to 10… Read more…, What Food Do Cory Catfish Eat? mit kein guppy weibchen vergleichbar was ich je gesehen habe. Dein Molly ist sicher trächtig, denn sobald die Weibchen mal gemeinsam mit einem Männchen im AQ schwimmen, sind sie auch befruchtet. Many people have produced guppy/molly hybrids; it’s apparently easy. But guppy/molly hybrids are usually sterile, unlike platy/swordtail hybrids. Wunderschönen guppy’s Fische. Hello, I enjoyed reading about the fish. Hi Charles, Forellenbarsche. Log in. 19.03.2019. It is possible to hybrid the Molly and Guppies in a specific condition. Is guppy and molly hybrid possible? Guppy x Endler - They will have the elongated fins of the Guppy, but the orange/black distinctive spots of the Endler, they will also be smaller than a Guppy. This happens when you have purchased the new molly fish from the aquarium and put them in the breeding immediately. pour les cory nains pas de soucis. For molly/guppy crosses which are possible and proven, the offspring I would expect to be sterile. 22 Posts . My (not hybrid) grey cat had 2 solid grey, and two striped orange kittens, and no one suspected it was a cross with a tiger. Watch fullscreen. So, if this fish is truly a hybrid, it’s a first hybrid for me and a rarity in being female. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Here we are one year later and I now have 7 tanks! Mules are a good example. If you have a single gender of guppy and a single gender of molly and there are no other outlets for them to breed, then in that situation they would be likely to breed together. Female, Her body color was rosy from the dorsal and anal fin back to the caudal, a pattern not shown by female, The distance between the ventral fins and the anal fin was, like that of, She was much larger than the typical female feeder guppy just like female. The interesting thing is that the hybrids are invariably (from what I hear) male and sterile. These fish started off as slightly orange mollies. künstlicher Befruchtung welche … I have blue/green guppies, purple Moscow guppies, black and Dalmatian mollies, and neon tetras. 9 € 41334 Nettetal. You did a male guppy and a female molly right? Mini Guppys, Endler Hybrid Ginga Rubra, extrem bunt & selten! Thanks. Those may interest you: What to do … Why breed it? 0 1. 24. Also, on the many forum discussion, people have experienced once the fry is born, they cannot produce more babies. I simple say this because it is more common for hybrids to be sterile than not. Her caudal fin shape said guppy, but she sported an orange caudal color reminiscent of that of a male, Her head was more guppy-like with the eye closer to the upper edge of the head while the eye is set lower in, Her body, while more elongated than that of guppies or, Unlike guppy females, she showed no gravid spot, the black patch in front of the anal fin. I picked a 40-gallon tank in which to put the fish. The last one is my Tetra tank!! Every animal… Read more…, Why Betta Fins Shredded Overnight? Very Rare Hybrid Guppy-Molly Crosses. Biete hier drei Red Chest Endler Guppy Männchen. Infact guppies are mollies. Yes. Molies are fish that are easy to breed. … I want more tanks, but no more room!! Charles- Good choice to use a male guppy as a potential mate for the mystery fish. A 300 gallon vat set up (minus the water) for cichlid breeding with three fry cages and various cichlid hotels. I’ll give her another month with the guppy and then add a male molly. She remained there until a week ago when I took her out to pose for the photos herein. More info in the comments. The back story was interesting also. The flowerhorn is a … The reason for that is they are not compatible with each other. The interesting thing is that the hybrids are invariably (from what I hear) male and sterile. You may have to create Molly’s proper condition to breed with the other fish available in the aquarium. 100 Stück - 40 Euro. The species can mate and fertilize quickly when there are male and female mollies in the tank at the perfect ratio. Let the buyer know that it is hybrid and genetically manipulated to produce a new type of fish. The more space you have in the tank, the more chances of the hybrid. Note the male P. mexicana below the female. As you prepare the aquarium for the same species, you have to arrange the frees space where both the partners male and female are two different species. Platys Eine sehr attraktive und … Even if you try to breed them together, they will have some serious problems during the pregnancy, and in the worst case, the female guppies may die. I like the guy who do experiments on "Good Golly!" Never had any gravid females though. Its mostly likely to be just hybrid molly. VB 59379 Selm. These fish do remarkably well and have growing populations. Do to try to breed female guppies. Biete Guppys Babys an .sind ca zwei Wochen alt. Joined Nov 13, 2006 Messages 8,049 Reaction score 86 Location Peoria, Illinois . . One can see through the transparent scales the guppy version of a uterus. I am Researcher in water and environmental chemistry. I’m getting more and more reports of molly/guppy hybrids. They'll chase and try to mate with anything that will slow down for him. I’ve since collected a few more, all females, all of which have failed to produce fry while put with males of both species. Gebe einige Forellenbarsche ab.Schwimmen bei 18 Grad und sind ca.8-10 cm. 12 Things To Know, Mollies are tropical fish and generally pregnant for around 60 to 70 days. Mike, There will be bad consequences on the female guppies as they may not carry the large size of the fry of the mollies. reply. Joined Jun 17, 2008 Messages 660 Reaction score 0 Location New York, U.S. Feb 8, 2009 #4 Thanks for the great info! Feed them blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and Hikari Vibra… Read more…, Do Betta Fish Shed Their Scales? Momentan haben wir Black... 1 € 35394 Gießen. Keeping… Read more…, Black Orchid Betta Care | Anabantoids | All You Need To Know, Black orchid Betta is among the most popular and amazing pets in the world. Its mostly likely to be just hybrid molly. When you buy fish, you should first learn about them and know the difference between naturally found fish and hybrid fish. This is common with hybrids. Liebe Tierfreunde, wir haben ständigen Zuwachs von Molly und Guppy Babys. Upon examination, the possible hybrid combined traits of both P. reticulata and P. mexicana. *Awarded Answer Posted by Daniele N: It’s fun breeding fish and possibly selling them to other fishkeepers and stores. When their survival on stake, they avoid any other activities and try to keep themselves in a safe place. These kinds of thoughts are common. Einiges an Guppy Nachwuchs abzugeben in Nettetal-Lobberich. The males are beginning to colour up but staying within the blonde/gold/yellow/rose colour range and I must say look rather beautiful. Für alle Guppys gilt uneingeschränkt das oben gesagte: Männchenüberschuss hat sehr günstige Auswirkungen auf den Stamm.
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