ASh-12. You can, however, buy maps for the different areas from Therapist but it merely provides you with an image that you can view before the match starts. Crossroads is an always-open PMC extract that is in the northwest most corner of the map. With reliable chokepoints and a dense indoor area, you can be sure to find other players for PVP whenever you need too. For more information, click here. User account menu. Woods Full Map 0%. Getting access to this room can provide incredibly valuable items, ranging from the M416 assault rifle, to a weapons case worth over a million roubles. Factory. Unlike Customs, The Lab is one of the harder maps in Escape From Tarkov. Each location has different extraction points, but on this page of our guide you will learn the basic steps and rules of escaping from the map. Complete guide of maps, including missions tips, key location, valuable loots, extractions (PMC/Scavs) and more. This means that as you move across the map, you will be parallel with those who spawned on your side and heading directly at those on the opposite – avoiding firefights is pretty tricky. Archived. C'est la quatrième zone qui fut ajoutée dans le jeu. One of the coolest looking extractions on Customs is Smugglers Boat, you literally are loading onto a little boat to escape, how sick is that. If you stay friendly to other scavs, this can be a low risk extraction with a lot of cover from the environment, which is nice. Winning in Escape from Tarkov is not about killing as many other players as possible. 1 Description 2 Features 3 Usable Keys 3.1 Table Legend 4 Boss 5 Extractions 6 Maps 7 Gallery 8 Trivia The South interchange is a key location for transport in the city. Let’s take a look at all of the extractions on Customs in Escape from Tarkov. The following are the main areas of Escape from Tarkov customs map. Here you will find maps and tools for the game. The two buildings in the north of the map contain many weapon boxes where you can find attachments and guns. Inside the three-story building is a room locked with a marked key. It is a bunker with a rebar gate blocking the entrance. Administration Gate | Beyond Fuel Tank | Crossroads | Dorms V-EX | Factory Far Corner | Factory Shacks | Military Base CP | Old Gas Station PMC | Old Gas Station SCAV | Old Road Gate | Passage Between Rocks | Railroad to Military Base | Railroad to Port | Railroad to Tarkov | RUAF Roadblock | SCAVs Checkpoint | Smugglers Boat | Sniper Roadblock | Trailer Park | Trailer Park Workers Shack | Warehouse 4 | Warehouse 17 | ZB-1011 | ZB-1012. Salut. This is also good extraction if you are injured and cannot walk across the entire map in a timely fashion. Get a Factory Key in Escape from Tarkov by exploring the Customs map and visiting these locations. Le Labo est une zone dans Escape from Tarkov. There are three main segments of the map and … It is the fifth location that was added to the game. You’ll also need to remove your armor if you’re a PMC. Escape from Tarkov Shoreline Map Extraction Points Guide 2021 Map By Vartaman Arya On January 23, 2021 No Comments Generally, a trip to the seaside is an enriching experience, but you can find Escape from the Shoreline map of Tarkov less attractive than your typical resort on … Jump to: navigation, search. Extraction points on the map are sparsely spread around the level, so you’d do well to memorize them all in advance. Although it is in the same location as Old Gate Road, Dorms V-EX is a PMC only extraction on Customs. Aller à : navigation, rechercher. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Once it’s activated it takes a minute to leave so be prepared to take cover while you wait. This is also good extraction if you are injured and cannot walk across the entire map in a timely fashion. Top Contributors: ... Below you will find a 2D map containing all the … save. Military Base CP is a good extraction to learn as it is in a generally safer area than many other extractions. Woods is a location in Escape from Tarkov. That is the Customs Map, extractions are marked with the green w/ their respective names. 2.0k. The Shoreline makes up a large part of the outskirts of Tarkov and is located next to the Port. Interactive Maps for Escape From Tarkov. Be aware that each player needs to pay the full sum. Customs’ hidden stashes; map version 4 (final). Utilisez CTRL + clic gauche pour obtenir les coordonnées. You can post now and register later. These spawns are close to three of the four potential boss spawns and give you a good opportunity to get an early drop on him, however the wooded hills mean that nearby players can get to you very quickly. Interactive Maps for Escape From Tarkov. Often there will be Scavs in and around the buildings who you can pick off for some gear and items. Also, do not be on the bad side of scavs when extracting as you will be in the line of sight of 2 sniper scavs. Tarkov Woods map, also identified as the "Priozersk Natural Reserve," is a fairly large forested area teeming with rocks, hills, and opened terrain sections. This area houses a customs terminal fuel storage facilities offices and dorms as well as a variety of other infrastructure. Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Basic Ideas. This Customs map guide will help you get to grips with one of the earliest maps you’ll encounter in this tough-as-nails FPS game. Detailed environments and realism are the best for players in this game. The area houses a partially abandoned village, modern private housing, agricultural fields , long stretches of beach, a boating facility, gas station, weather station, and cellular tower as well as other commercial facilities. The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being … Press J to jump to the feed. The true industrial neighborhood of Tarkov, Customs is home to warehouses, storage containers, bridges (stay away Pewdiepie), construction areas, two dorms, and gas stations. It is the third location that was added to the game. 1 Description 2 Caractéristiques 2.1 Assurance 2.2 Annonces 3 Clés utilisables 3.1 Légende 4 Extractions 5 Cartes 6 Galerie Le complexe de laboratoires souterrains Terragroup Labs est un emplacement secret situé pile sous le centre-ville de Tarkov. There are a few reasons for this: Spawns/Extractions are rather straight-forward. Make sure to check all of your corners when entering the extraction as there are multiple corners for players to hide in to prevent you from extracting. The third extract is in the southeast corner of the map and is only available if you spawn on the east. If it is, head to the end of the wooden jetty and stand next to the boat to begin an extract. We sometimes include relevant affiliate links in articles from which we earn a small commission. There are a few reasons for this: Spawns/Extractions are rather straight-forward. This page details all of the different available maps available in Escape from Tarkov, as well as each subsequent extraction point within them! However, players will not be able to use all of the Factory map extraction points in Escape from Tarkov at all times. 3 years ago. That’s where we come in; we’ve put together a complete map of Escape from Tarkov Shoreline map extraction points so you can easily see where to extract as either PMC or Scav. from EscapefromTarkov. Complete guide of maps, including missions tips, key location, valuable loots, extractions (PMC/Scavs) and more. Spawns are divided into two sides, Customs to the west and Warehouses on the east. Hi mate, if you buy a map of customs from Elvira (they go quickly? mostly she does not have one, just factory and woods; but sometimes she does) and take that into a raid with you (secure container suggested), you can cycle through the spawn points and it will show you the applicable extraction points. 535k members in the EscapefromTarkov community. Factory Far Corner is a common SCAV extraction so it is good to know all about this extraction zone. Other players will likely be gunning for this loot, so be ready for heavy fire. These can be tough opponents so try to use range and grenades to your advantage, as well as having easy ways to break line of sight and heal. Customs’ hidden stashes; map version 4 (final). Archived. These will only be available depending on where you spawn, so always double tap the O key to ensure you’re heading to the right spot. Similar to its neighboring SCAV extraction Factory Far Corner, ZB-1011 is a very common PMC extraction. Just to be safe, rather head into one of the bushes while you extract to keep the safety rating of this extraction point high. Only three extracts on the Customs map are permanently available, one on the east side, and two on the west. Close. The escape from tarkov reserve map is generally supplied with the military base, which contains many of the stuff around. First, there’re three segments available on the Escape From Tarkov Customs map 2021. Customs map and extraction points. Again it’s one of the furthest extractions from the Boiler Tanks spawn, but most of your battles will be behind you once you reach this extraction point. If you’re a newcomer and tried Customs first, you’ll feel confined and disoriented in The Lab, because there are no outdoors nor big landmarks to navigate from. It perfect for long-range battles. Factory Full Map Ingame Map. Along with that, since it is simply in the far corner of the Customs side, it is one of the easier extractions to find. Be aware of the long sightlines across the river and down the road. You can also read Escape From Tarkov Interchange Map 2021 and Escape From Tarkov Factory Map 2021. Others can only be used once, while some are even controlled by a certain faction, which means players need to be aware of their surroundings before trying to make an escape bid. Welcome to the Escape from Tarkov section. If you’re just looking for a way out, simply exit the shopping complex thro… One thing players do when they play Escape From Tarkov for the first time is wonder if there is an in-game map to guide them to the nearest extraction. Scav’s can access this extraction at no cost, but PMCs must come equipped with a Paracord and the RR (Red Rebel) Ice Pick. Fortunately, if you do make it you know you can extract as it is always open. Being able to change a plan on the fly and switch extract can be an invaluable skill. Extraction points aren’t clearly marked, but you should be able to get an idea of what they are based on the name “UN Roadblock”, for example, will be a barred area on a road. You either spawn on the western side (Customs Side) and extract on the eastern side, or spawn in the east (Boiler Side) and extract on the west. It’s located in the centre of the north edge of the map, out on the wooden jetty near the lighthouse. Customs is a medium-sized map but it is a lot of fun to play on because of a very specific flow. It is pretty rare to find 7,000 roubles in-game so you may want to consider carrying them in your pouch into Customs. Customs: Taking place in an industrial part of Tarkov, Customs … It is a bunker with a rebar gate blocking the entrance. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. ZB-1011 extraction on Customs The third extract is in the southeast corner of the map and is only available if you spawn on the east. This is a result of the lack of large looting areas nearby. Reshala and his followers both have more health than regular AI and tend to wear decent armour – so read up on our Escape from Tarkov ammo guide to learn the best rounds for punching through high level armour. Scalable maps rich in detail, ideal for veterans and beginners in the game. One of the more common extractions is Administration Gate. Factory Shacks Extraction on Customs As a scav only extraction, Factory Shacks is a great extraction point on Customs if you are venturing into Dorms. Many players think it’s the game’s iconic level. With so many layers to it, as well as an additional outside area, it’s a place where players can easily get lost. Customs Full Map 70%. Do beware, there will be quite a few SCAVs in this area of Customs, don’t piss them off. From spawns and to extracts, to good loot spots and areas where enemies are likely to be, understanding the locations and points of interest is one of the most critical parts of playing Escape From Tarkov. 0 Comments. Occasionally open – Check and listen for the van in the gate, if there is no van the extraction is not open, Occasionally open – Check for the green smoke outside, if there is no smoke it is not open, PMC only – SCAV extraction is behind the gas station, SCAV only – PMC extraction is in the basement of the gas station, Occasionally open – Look for the bright light above the gate to indicate that the extraction is open, Occasionally open – Check for the campfire next to the river to know if it is available for extraction, Occasionally open – Check for the bright light above the entrance for availability. Two exits are accessible for both Scavs and PMCs in the warehouse.. GATE 3 Requirements: None Needed. Customs. 1 Description 2 Features 3 Usable Keys 3.1 Table Legend 4 Boss 5 Extractions 6 Maps 7 Gallery A large area of industrial park land situated adjacent to the factory. Interchange is a location in Escape from Tarkov. Escape from Tarkov is a hardcore MMO mixture of first-person shooter / third-person shooter and role-playing gameplay. It’s one thing knowing how to extract, but if you haven’t learned the extraction points in Escape from Tarkov then you’ll be left bumbling around each level waiting to be shot. Every Customs Extract/Exit Customs – Factory – Shoreline – Reserve – More Later. He can sometimes roam out from these locations to the Military checkpoint, or the radio tower on the hill. Customs is regarded as the most "beginner-friendly" of all maps available in Escape from Tarkov. UPDATED** Customs Extracts (Scav & PMC) 109 comments. This strategic area connects the port and harbour with the industrial outskirts of Tarkov. So, if you have a thick pack of loot and have to decide between Old Gas Station and Military Base CP, the latter is the better option. Escape From Tarkov Customs Map Scav Extractions, Global Maps, Escape From Tarkov Customs Map Scav Extractions There is also a full guide of Customs map if you would rather see that overview. Be aware of Scavs who spawn in this area. From Escape from Tarkov Wiki. It is one of the closest extractions to Dorms and it is smack-dab in the center of the map. When you double-tap the O key to bring up your extraction options you’ll be faced with a short list of potential exit points, so it really pays to know where each one is so you don’t stray into the map’s busiest sections, a Scav spawn, or possibly the boss, Reshala. The companion over the wall to extraction ZB-1011, ZB-1012 is a riskier and less common extraction. Indisponible; Arène : Ne fait pas partie de la carte. You either spawn on the western side (Customs Side) and extract on the eastern side, or spawn in the east (Boiler Side) and extract on the west. Shorelines main point of interest is the "Azure Coast" health resort which consists of several luxurious buildings. When you are playing as a PMC and are attempting to extract at Dorms V-EX you will need 7,000 roubles on your body. User account menu. This, along with how far away it is from spawn points can make it hard to reach. There is only one extraction point on the Factory map, which is open 100 percent of the … The spot you’re looking for is a patch of woodland between a roadblock and some worker’s huts. Each has limited opportunities to cross from one to the other. 357 votes, 109 comments. The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being … Press J to jump to the feed. Learn all the different exits and extractions on the Customs map in Escape from Tarkov. Videos can be super helpful when trying to extract in EFT as it can be very confusing if you are new to a map. Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Facebook and Instagram pages. Utilisez SHIFT + molette pour zoomer. The only downside, it’s a rare extraction to get and it is in a high-traffic area. I believe nothing has changed in Customs recently Quote; Link to post Share on other sites. Requires: Paracord, Red Rebel Ice Pick, no armor vest equipped. When you are extracting at Smugglers Boat, keep an eye out for the campfire to know if it is open or not. report. Scavs can extract at the nearby lig… Trying to learn the Customs map in Escape from Tarkov? If the fire is lit, then you are good to tuck in by the shoreline and get an extract that can save you some travel over dangerous terrain. Tarkov Woods map, also identified as the "Priozersk Natural Reserve," is a fairly large forested area teeming with rocks, hills, and opened terrain sections. Be sure to check your available Extracts when you spawn in (or hit the O key to view the list). Use the icons or Shift + Mousewheel up/down to zoom and Ctrl + Left Mouse Button to get coordinates. Or, a common tactic is to cover the most ground early in the game so you can hit all of the loot spots around this extraction right before it is time to extract. Pier Boat is a PMC only extraction point on Shoreline. Customs Interactive Map. Escape From Tarkov Customs Map 2020. 98% … The map may be tricky to handle at first. The Trailer Park extract is on the south wall, just down from the storage facility in the east. Customs. Home » Escape from Tarkov Maps » Customs » Extractions. This guide explains the requirements for special extractions if you’re not sure why one isn’t working. Escape from Tarkov Customs Map Basic Ideas. Your task is to escape from the map - and you will do so by using the extraction points. On Escape From Tarkov Customs Map, you will find woods, water, and an old gas station, but on the other side of the map, you will find a trailer park, and in the north, there will be the dorms, some buildings that also work as extraction points. Matches in Customs last for 50 minutes with 6-12 players as well as SCAVS and one of the four bosses in EFT the “ Dealmaker,” Reshala. If you’re looking for a Customs stash map then m1ksu and Marvelin have posted an exceptional map of all the stash spots on Customs to Reddit that we’ve embedded above. To stay up to date with the latest PC gaming guides, news, and reviews, follow PCGamesN on Twitter and Steam News Hub. If it is late in the game and you have already found yourself over on the Boiler Tanks side, ZB-1012 is a good extraction to check for. Restore formatting. While small spots of loot are scattered across the map, you’ll want to head to dorms to pick up some big-ticket items. Indisponible; Secteur privé: Secteur résidentiel privé, constitué de cottages appartenant à la haute bourgeoisie de Tarkov. To steer you clear of such disasters, and hopefully help you improve your Crossroads Extraction is one of the most common as players will almost always have it as an option. Escape From TarkovCustoms map with name Customs 2D (stashes) Make sure that you either kill this SCAV before you reach the extraction or you keep an eye up there while you extract. At the north point of the river there is a rock with a campfire. Customs Map 2020 Edit (Scav Spawns Included) Guide. There are some vehicles to provide you with cover, but otherwise you are surrounded by long roads with good sightlines, as well as a cut through that leads into storage. On the southeast side of the map, tucked in some shrubbery behind a warehouse, is a second bunker. Posted by. The Old Gas Station Scav Extraction is right behind the gas station with a health bag spawn right next to it. With eight spawns used in each raid, there’s a strong likelihood that four groups will all be originating around the warehouse so always be ready to fight as soon as you land. A fan of the game created an updated Customs Map which includes all major landmarks, stash and loot locations, spawns, and extracts to help players familiarize themselves with the map. hide. As a scav only extraction, Factory Shacks is a great extraction point on Customs if you are venturing into Dorms. save. As a PMC, this can be a risky extraction to use as it is right in the line of sight of a SCAV sniper on top of the warehouse to the East of the extraction. Le Littoral est une zone dans Escape from Tarkov. Interchange is one of the biggest EFTmaps, hosting up to 14 players on its three-story shopping complex. This Factory Map guide is the perfect starting point for beginners to Escape From Tarkov. The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being … Learn the extraction points and all the best loot spots with our handy Customs guide. Escape from Tarkov Shoreline map extraction points Trailer Park is a fairly covered extraction, making it decently safe once you arrive with trees and bushes to hide in. Even, you can have access to an underwater bunker on the same base. Looting them all can guarantee some good weapons, armour, and items. Posted by 1 year ago. Welcome to the Escape from Tarkov section. Check for the bright light above the entrance to ZB-1012 to see if it is open, if not just head to ZB-1011 as it is always open for PMCs that spawn on Customs side. You’ll need to use the trees for cover as you extract, but it can only be approached from the road ahead and is easy to control. The west area of the map consists of storage containers, bridges, and rivers. Requires: Nothing. There are only three extraction points, and they’re all outside, so the real trick is finding a way out of the shopping center. Customs Full Map Ingame Map. Customs Map 2020 Edit (Scav Spawns Included) Guide. Learning one or two extracts can be enough for you to escape from time to time, but the more options you have available the higher your chance of success.
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